Provider Solutions

Improve Access to Care, Patient Experience and Patient Outcomes

We transform access to care with an innovative scheduling platform and patient engagement making the complex problem of getting patients to the right care easy.

Schedule » Track » Follow-up » Impact

Simplify the Process, Optimize Performance.

Provider organizations trust ReferWell with their most critical value-based care initiatives. ReferWell helps connect local physicians and hospital specialists, to direct care transitions to the right providers, reduce unnecessary care and improve patient access. All while reducing the revenue leakage that is killing their bottom line.

How We Help

Getting patients to the doctor

We’re helping providers get patients to follow through with specialist appointments more often, increasing revenue and improve outcomes.

ReferWell’s advanced scheduling platform and operational proficiency revolutionize care coordination for providers. Our solution simplifies the process of getting patients the right care, alleviating administrative burdens and allowing providers to focus more on delivering quality care. By streamlining care coordination and referral management, ReferWell helps provider organizations optimize their revenue streams. This includes reducing revenue leakage, maximizing reimbursements, and improving overall financial performance. The outcome? Enhanced patient experiences, better health outcomes, and a more resilient healthcare ecosystem.

Our Process

A Provider Solution that makes an impact for all parties – patients, plans, and providers

Engaging patients with industry leading results

Scheduling them for care with the ideal provider

Following up to ensure they went and rescheduling as necessary

Coordinating care by getting the clinical notes back

Tracking the results and giving clients real-time visibility

Our process is simple.

Behind the scenes, ReferWell is crushing the obstacles to search for, receiving and providing care.

Curate Network

A lot of healthcare data today is dirty. ReferWell cleanses patient and provider data up to 21%

Identify Perfect Match

Industry-wide, less than 35% of referrals lead to documented, completed appointments.

Schedule Appointments

Show rate is low. ReferWell generates a 60% higher show rate among Medicare patients (and 110% higher rate in Medicaid patients).

Coordinate Care

Information is siloed. ReferWell helps close the loop at double the national average.

Analyze Behaviors

Reporting is obscure. ReferWell shares analytics at the provider and plan level.

Our Impact

Key Benefits that Impact Your Bottom Line

Increase Patient Show Rate

Booking at the point of care increases patient show rate by 60% or more. 

Reduce Patient Leakage

Keep referrals in-network to reduce patient leakage by 57% and increase downstream revenue.

Closed Loop Referrals

Providers close the loop 85% of the time, more than double the national average.

Drives Provider Adoption

ReferWell drives provider adoption by deploying a single platform to manage all care transitions.

Drive Network Performance

With 100% network visibility, you can direct members to the highest-quality, lowest-cost, most-appropriate providers.

Impact Patient Experience

When you take the burden of finding care off the patient, you improve patient satisfaction and member retention.

Improve Care Coordination

Clinical information is shared 100% of the time, more than double the national average.

Integrate into Existing Workflow

ReferWell fits seamlessly into the providers’ existing workflows and provides interoperability of data between different EMR systems.

Ready to get people to the doctor?

Talk to us today!