Equity & Timely Access as a Stars Strategy

Feb 16, 2023 | Podcasts

As health equity initiatives play an increasingly important role in CMS programs, Medicare Advantage plans must commit to addressing social factors hindering access to care and driving members to take action to improve their health, such as scheduling a preventive care visit or completing a missed screening. Our panel will discuss strategies to advance health equity and improve care access to achieve higher Star Ratings.

Topics include:

  • Identifying the factors driving health inequities and disparities
  • Develop personalized SDoH strategies to improve health outcomes and boost quality measure performance
  • Implement strategies for engaging hard-to-reach members and underserved communities

    This episode was recorded by Brightspots in Healthcare, hosted by Eric Glazer.

    Panalist include:

    • Alexandria Tusek, MSA, CPHQ, CSSGB
      Director, HEDIS & Data Analytics at Priority Health
    • Elizabeth Benz
      Vice President of Quality and Clinical Integration at Network Health
    • Brindha Sridhar
      Vice President, Customer Experience Strategy at MetroPlusHealth
    • Gene Huang
      Executive Chairman at ReferWell

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